World Record Egg


On Friday, January 4th, the World_Record_Egg Instagram account posted their first image with the caption "Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)!" What at first seemed like a post with a sole purpose of surpassing Kylie's record for the Most Liked Image on Instagram ended up being a full on international mental health campaign.

After captivating audiences world wide and dethrowning Kylie, followers wanted to know who was behind the egg. Before the reveal, the egg was designed wearing American Football laces and instructed viewers to watch the reveal on Hulu after the Super Bowl.

The account's creator Chris Godfrey, an advertising professional based in London came forward with The New York Times. He shared that after the egg went viral, it was important for him to use the attention for good. The egg cracked and promoted mental health awareness world wide. It not only sparked discussion but also encouraged viewers to visit the website and check out resources.

Visit the World Record Egg's Instagram or Website.

9.1 Million

9.1 million followers as of April 24th.

53.3 Million

Over 53.3 million likes on the first social media post that surpassed the previous most liked post on Instagram (Kylie Jenner).

3.1 Million

Over 3.1 million comments on the first social media post.


Based on custom written boolean logic using Talkwalker, the data to the left and below shows data based on the conversationn online where users use keywords such as "World Record Egg" in context with "mental illness," "Kylie", "mental wellness," and "mental health". Additionally, boolean filters have been added to combat the "Easter Egg" conversations that might be pulled into the data. The data is analyzing the past week from April 18th to April 24th.

Based on the data, the World Record Egg is resulting in the most conversation by those ages 18-24 with 50% with 25-34 year olds close behind with 40%, and 13-17 year olds at 10%.


Looking at the data, the conversation that has taken place over the past week indicates that females are more engaged in conversations surrounding the World Record Egg with over half of the conversation, 58.8.% whereas men only contributed to 41.2% of the conversation.

Gender Distribution

The Gender Distribution map indicates how many people have used the keywords in their own personal posts along with their gender and where they were posted from. In this case, the most conversation has been in the United States. This is expeected to boom as Khalid recently announced a partnership and collaboration between him and the Egg would be announced shortly.


In understanding the themes that are associated with content that is posted about the World Record Egg after it revealed it's association with mental health, we can get a better look into key trends or themes that are taking place online. Key themes include "Instagram," which is the source of the campaign and conversation, "Jenner," "Kylie," and "egg." If the campaign did not challenge Kylie Jenner's thrown to the most liked photo on Instagram it is very possible that this campaign would not have recieved as much traction as it did.

Themes Over Time

The top themes that are associated with the World Record Egg over this past week include mainly words and names of the Jenner family includeing "Jenner Travis Scott." It also indicates that "World Record Egg" is still a top theme despite being launched in January.

“It’s what you do with that attention that counts.” Chris Godfrey.